create tablespace pegatablespace
datafile 'C:\oracle\product\10.2.0\oradata\orcl\pegadatafile.dbf'
size 100m
autoextend on
next 100m maxsize 3096m
extent management local;
2)create user
create user pegauser
identified by pegauser
default tablespace pegatablespace
temporary tablespace temp;
3) grant to user
grant resource,connect,dba to pegauser;
4) http://localhost:1158/em/console/logon/logon
5)go to Administration and click users and select pegauser and click on edit
and goto Roles and checl all AdminOptions and click on apply
then click on System Privileges then editlist
then select some privileges and click on apply then select Admin option for all and click Apply
6) Login as pegauser in sql+
7) copy oracledate_install0503.sql to C direcory and run sql> @C:\oracledate_install0503.sql;
8) set the classpath with java/lib, tomcat/lib under system variables
9) set the poolsize for tomcat/java
10) copy prdbutil.war from Training to tomcat/webapps
start tomcat then stop tomcat and delete prdb.util.war
11) create new folder with name pegatemp in C drive
12) open prconfig.xml in tomcat/webapps/prdbutil/web-inf/classes
13) change the value of explicittempdir to C:/pegatemp
14) add the env for oracle in prconfig to
15) copy classes12.jar from oracle/lib to tomcat/common/lib
16) http:\\localhost:8080\prdbutil
upload Training\pega\PRPCv5_v53_relcand_0049.jar
next, skip
enter ip and port
next, verify
next, exit
stop tomcat
17) copy prweb.war to tomcat/webapps
start tomcat and stop tomcat and delete prweb.war
18) copy prconfig.xml from tomcat/webapps/prdbutil/web-inf/classes and paste in tomcat/webapps/prweb/web-inf/classes
19) start tomcat
http:\\localhost:8080\prweb\PRServlet pwd: xxxx
click on process
vasu, is there any default user created when we install PRPC if so what's it.
ReplyDeleteYes Iam also having same question, find more information at PEGAGANG.
Deleteneed Real Time training pega courses in chennai
very useful.thank you for sharing pega online training
ReplyDeleteNice .Thank you for sharing pega online training
ReplyDeleteHello Vasu,
ReplyDeleteThat’s really cool…. I followed these instructions and it was like boom… it worked well.
Is there any API document of OpenSpan.Adapters. Controls.Control ? I need to write C# script by using OpenSpan.Adapters. Controls.Control. But I couldn't find any API document. Is it opened to the public?
By the way do you have any YouTube videos, would love to watch it. I would like to connect you on LinkedIn, great to have experts like you in my connection (In case, if you don’t have any issues).
Please keep providing such valuable information.
Many Thanks,
Kevin Donald